Blog Tour - Travelling Without Leaving Your Desk.

Posted on the 20 April 2014 by Ellenarnison @Ellen27

I thought I was done with relays for a while, but when Audrey Birt asked if I'd like to pick up the baton from her I said yes without hesitation

I was delighted and flattered to follow Audrey whose blog is thoughtful and full of quiet passion. Knowing Audrey - and meeting her for the first time this month - has been just one of many BBBs (Brilliant Blogging Bonuses).

The Blog Tour she's invited me on has already crossed the Atlantic and introduced us to some wonderful bloggers who are intelligently facing all manner of challenges. I just love the way you can leap from one blog to another covering many miles in other people's shoes. 

This Blog Tour requires each blogger to answer four questions: 

What am I working on? 

It's hard to think of blogging and other creative writing as work, for me, it's play. Of course, it would be rather marvelous if it always paid as well as work-work...
Yesterday I did some training with Ali Campbell and Barry Collins on how to use techniques of NLP (neuro linguistic programming) in writing. I've long been evangelical about the power of a good blog to transform, support, heal and guide. For a while I've wondered how I could learn more about the actual words chosen and the order of the words - maybe that could be another significant ingredient. The answer is that of course it can. And it can help the kind of writing I do for money too. So I'm working on exactly how to do this.


  • I'm always working on my blog - each chapter, a post at a time.
  • I'm working on my work - parsnips need buttered and all that.
  • I'm working on me - happier, healthier, fitter, more mindful... maybe even making a difference.
  • I'm working on the family - the Boys because one day they'll have to look after themselves (and if they're lucky someone else) and the Panther because someone has to. 

How much does my work differ from that of others?

As soon as a writer/blogger/person with a pencil unhitches their words from formula, then what they create becomes as individual as they are. It doesn't matter that we're all people writing about human stuff, the result is as different as a snowflake. (Hopefully, it's marginally more interesting)

Why do I write what I do?

A much easier question - or at least the why bit is. I write because I want to. It helps me understand what I really think, it gives my brain a bit of a run round the park, it's fun, I've made friends, people seem to like it which feels lovely, and writing is the best way I know to explain things. Sometimes I write for money too. 

I could get a bit serious and talk about writing from the domestic front to share experiences and shine even a tiny little light on issues that are often overlooked, but that might sound a little pomopous. But, then again, sometimes I write about poo and bogies

I write about the things in my head, it helps sort them out a bit. 

How does my writing process work?
Like digestion, sometimes it's urgent and messy and others it's a long, slow process aided by lots of coffee and a lengthy seated contemplation. Some might say the comparison goes deeper than that. 
So now it's someone else's turn. With pleasure, I'm going to hand this baton on to Daft MammaMy Mumdom and Sadie Hanson.