Diaries Magazine

Blogger Business Cards // What To Add To Them

Posted on the 27 November 2013 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog

I'll be attending my first blogging event next year; Brit Mums Live, and I intend to take along with me a handful of blog 'business cards'. Just like traditional business cards, but tailored around myself as a blogger and very obviously my blog - Bump to Baby
I know that they'll be so many different faces there and it'll be impossible to remember everyone that I talk to or who talks to me (that is, going on the assumption that anyone does) so I think it'll be a great way to reconnect with people online after I've spoken to them and the event is over. They'll also come in very handy when chatting to PR companies and alike. 
So firstly, where to buy them? There are some great online stores such as Pixel2Print who sell business cards. Online is probably the best place to search, as as with most things these days, there are some great deals to be had on the world wide web.
What should be included on them? Crucially and most importantly, the blog header and url. Then contact information, including name and email address. Social media handles would be ideal on them with Twitter and Facebook as the main two. A photograph of yourself, in my opinion, could be beneficial, perhaps standing to jog the the recipient of the cards memory of you which can only serve as a good thing, if they've willingly accepted your card. A short snappy sentence if there's room might  also work, but don't overcrowd your card. 
Your business cards should look clean and professional and most importantly they should reflect you and your blog. Make your cards stand out.. think outside of the box and get creative to leave that lasting impression on someone as they flick through their pile of business cards at the end of the day.
Lots of Love, Alex

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