Blogger Collab: The Pablique

Posted on the 18 April 2015 by Katherine Anne Cutar @katherineannika
On a random day, someone messaged me for another blog to design and to my surprise, it was a dude! We talked about things concerning his blog and all 'til he found out that I am also a blogger myself. He immediately invited me to do a collab with him which I found really cool and interesting since I have never been part of one. We then planned to have the theme to be something summer or Boho-ish to match with the current season.To also flesh out the collab even further, we included a set of questions for the both of us to answer on our respective posts. Here I got his awesome feedback:
1) Who is Andrew?

"Keith Andrew Pablico is a nineteen year old lifestyle student blogger from Cagayan de Oro."
2) What does he blog about?

"Andrew mostly blogs about menswear and his outfits but he also blogs about food and travel at times."

3) Why "The Pablique"?

"First it's because of his family name, 'Pablico'. And since he wants to share his thoughts, style, adventures, food and the like to the public. So, he combined his family name and the word 'public' and made it stylish which resulted to, 'The Pablique'."

4) What does he do besides blogging?

"Andrew, as stated above is not only a blogger but he is also an incoming senior BS Psychology student in Xavier University. He also practices hand lettering and photography."
5) What do I like about Katherine?

"Kat, that's what I call her, is a fun and friendly person. Not only that but she is also a passionate blogger, photographer and a person who loves food even though it isn't really that obvious."

6) If you could share 3 tips for anyone interested in pursuing a blogging career, what would they be?

"First is to be yourself, you gotta remember that you have to keep your blog personal. Another is to publish high quality photos because readers like it when the blogs they read have nice photos. Lastly I guess is grammar, try to make someone proof-read what you wrote before publishing it."
It was one fun afternoon indeed. Check out Drew's own version here.
If you have any comments, you are free to comment down below. And you can always email me if you are interested to being my 2nd collaborator.
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