What is the name of your blog?
The Johanson Journey
How long have you been blogging? Since 2007; roughly 5 years. But really blogging? Maybe the last 2.
What is your definition of success? I'm not typically a goal setter, but when I have an idea in my mind that I'm very passionate about... seeing it followed through and ending exactly as I had planned or better is my idea of success. This is anywhere from planning a great party, to having a craft turn out the way I planned or even getting a report done that turned out well for work.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I went through several career dreams. I learned how to french braid hair when I was little and thought I should obviously work in the hair industry! Ha! Then, I thought I could be a psychologist but, then realized I can't even fix my own problems sometimes. I am still in the phase of, "what do I want to be when I grow up"; I wish I knew the answer.
What do you like to do in your free time? I love taking pictures of my kids and dreaming up party ideas. I am a planner by nature and I like preparing for things far in advance... like Christmas. I don't really get a lot of free time to myself. I work full time and come home to entertain our 3 kiddos so, I am just happy when I can close my eyes for a few minutes.
Tell us something about yourself that your readers would be surprised to know. I lived in Alaska for 2 1/2 years and learned how to cross country ski and downhill ski by the age of 6! I am terrified of the ski lift now though and really hate being cold! HA!
Where do you get inspiration from? I am all over the map with inspiration. Sometimes it can be something I see at the store when out shopping, online while searching for ideas or even from friends and family. I think ultimately, it depends on my mood. I didn't want to give the expected answer of Pinterest but I do like to dabble in there when I need some ideas.
What is your favorite social media app & why? I love Instagram. It's the one stop shop for me. I can see friends pictures, learn about new products or ideas and I can share my pictures within as well as with Facebook, Twitter and even email them to my friends and family! It's fun to edit pictures too!
Do you have a blogging pet peeve, and if so, what is it? My biggest pet peeve is "popularity by numbers". I have been blogging for several years and no matter how hard I work, sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in quicksand. I get bogged down with brands or companies turning me down to work with them because of a number. I think the numbers play with our heads to the point of giving up. It's tough.
What do you consider your greatest achievement? Motherhood! I never thought I'd be a Mom much less have 3 children. Everyday we move forward is an achievement. I am in awe at how amazing it feels to be a Mom and can't believe I ever doubted having a few kiddos!
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? I honestly hope by then I have figured out what I want to be when I grow up. I would love to say I'll be a successful blogger or something like that, but as long as we are all healthy, happy and hopefully out of debt, then that sounds good to me!
What is your Life Motto? I'm still in search of the perfect motto... I think I'll have one nailed down by the time I'm 40! I hope!!
Oh Janette! You had me at Christmas. :-) Thank you for sharing!