Hello, you gorgeous Planetarians. I'm so delighted with your response to my last post about gorgeous Viv. I'm thrilled you are enjoying meeting new Planetarians through my 'Down the rabbithole' column. It's funny - now I have regular days to post such columns, it's providing me with so much more focus which I relish.
Now, as I promised back here, today I'm starting my new 'Blogging 101' column where I'll share tips I've road-tested and applied here so you know they work. I'll also share useful links to other blogs and websites. I think we'll have a lot of fun. As always, I encourage you to interact, leave comments and questions and make this a useful resource base for us all. Okay, let's get this show on the road! To start, I thought I'd get the basics out of the way. One of the most important tools you need to connect with other bloggers is email.
I received a typically thoughtful email from sweet Emma at Frog Goose and Bear after my post 'Where has all the blog love gone?':I wonder if many of the new bloggers know about enabling their email and not being 'no-reply bloggers'. I know you wrote a post on it a while ago.
There are a few bloggers who I'd love to have more of a relationship with and who leave questions on my blog but I just can't reply and continue that conversation without their email being enabled.
Maybe it's time for another reminder for the newbies' sake?A brilliant idea, Em! Being able to contact fellow bloggers is one of the best and easiest ways to form friendships. You wouldn't credit how hard some bloggers make it to be contactable!
Sometimes it's done deliberately. No worries - their choice. But if it's done through not knowing how to rectify the problem, then I'm happy to help you.
I've just edited my old post to incorporate the latest changes to the Blogger format.
It also covers the following information for post commenting generally:
- Comment location;
- Who can comment;
- Comment moderation;
- Word verification;
- Backlinks;
- Comment form message;
- Language and formatting;
- Linking up your email address to have comments emailed to you; and
- Contacting people who have left comments on your blog.
Right, great to see you back here. Let me know if anything's unclear. Are any bells ringing for you?!
Please comment here rather than on the original post, just so we can keep everything current instead of delving into the archives.
I really hope this post helps you to connect with other bloggers and have more meaningful interactions with them. Many of the wonderful bloggy friendships I've formed have started from a single email. Really.
So go on - why don't you fix your email settings and then email a fellow blogger? I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised at what follows! Do let us know if it helps you start friendships with other bloggers as well.

PS And if you find it helpful, you may wish to share it on Facebook and Twitter to share the blog karma around. Now sure how to? Just click on the Add this button below this post which looks like this: