Blogging for Twining Enterprise

Posted on the 04 April 2014 by Tash Berbank @tdotberbank

I have started guest blogging for a London based mental health charity, Twining Enterprise, that helps people suffering with mental illness find work. It also provides businesses with education programmes about mental health in order to reduce stigma in the workplace. They're really friendly and well worth getting in touch with if you are struggling to get back into work.
I have a series of new posts lined up with them so keep an ear out! My first one is already up, so go and check it out (and have a browse round their website while you're there!).

Looking for Work Triggered My Anxiety

My graduation marked the end of 16 years of continuous education. I suddenly found myself in the complete unknown. I've had jobs in the past but nothing that required real responsibility. And that’s when I started to worry – what on earth do I do now?Read More...
Also, sorry I haven't posted in a couple of weeks, lost all motivation! Will be back this weekend with a big catch up on all that I've been up to!