Diaries Magazine

Blogging the Way I Do

Posted on the 06 March 2012 by Russellvjward @russellvjward
I'm always looking for ways to improve my blogging in the hope of making In Search of a Life Less Ordinary as good a read as it can be.
In writing and blogging circles, they apparently say that content is king. With that in mind, my aim is to produce a weekly dose of stimulating reading that covers this adventure of ours without you, the reader, falling asleep by the second paragraph. With any luck, you might even come back for more!
Recently I've noticed a worrying trend out there in the blogosphere. Some of my fellow writers are posting three or four times a week, sometimes even five, which has got me a little concerned. Is this good practice? Should I be posting as often as these guys? Am I therefore not serving my readership adequately?  
Am I simply not posting enough?

Blogging the Way I Do

Photo credit: Alexander Baxevanis (Creative Commons)

If I've got something to say
My rule of thumb has always been to write a blog post when I feel I have something good or important to say. No exception. I don't want to share meaningless drivel and I see no point in describing the local news and weather conditions so I generally write when I have one of those 'aha' moments (which often occur in the unlikeliest of places).
Generally spending at least a couple of hours writing up the post, editing and polishing it off, I like to think I'm doing it slightly differently - by focusing on quality rather than quantity.
I may not get it right but I only want to share something that's worth sharing - and that's usually once a week. I hope that, given this weekly strategy of mine, every time I do share, you might actually be listening?
What other bloggers do
Other bloggers out there seem to post with greater frequency - and about almost everything and anything. It's also true that a lot of bloggers think that what we do is purely a numbers game - the more posts you put out, the better the return in terms of readers, page views and the blessed site 'hit'. But is this really the case?
I watch these bloggers trying to keep up with each other. They fill the gaps between extremely well-written posts with usually less-than-average content, almost as if they're trying to keep it going, fearful of the effect that a lack of posting will do to their stats.
I don't claim to be any great blogger but my readership is steady and loyal. When I post more often and write about the pie I ate for lunch or the haircut I had last week, it doesn't feel right and it misses wide of the mark. If I'm bored or lacking satisfaction when writing the post, how can I expect my readers not to run for the hills? I'd be right there with them!
Being different
I try to be different and work away from what is considered the norm - my journey in life is my example. I do still wonder if it's the wrong strategy - who knows what really turns people on and, equally, what turns them off.
For me, it's not about blogging frequency. Every time I publish a post, I'm aware that I'm representing myself and my writing. If posting more often then reduces that appeal, then it's not for me.
If I'm not blown away by an idea or a suggestion, I'd rather pull back than continue to push on. It may all be at the expense of a number but, if numbers are our game, then what's the point of good writing?
What works for you as a blogger? How often do you post and why? 
As a reader, how often do you want to see me post on this blog? And, while we're at it, what do you want to see more of?
Please do share in the comments below.
*Photo credit: Alexander Baxevanis (Creative Commons)
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