
Posted on the 09 January 2015 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

Happy Blogiversary to us! Without you reading my posts, there wouldn't be a blog. Ok, that's not true, I would be lonely, but the truth is, I write for me as I've always said. It heals something deep down inside me that was broken the day I found out about my first diagnosis of an "invisible disease" named Porphyria. So without further ado, let's go back there, shall we? Cue psychedelic swirly things. And poof! We are in 1997. That was the New Year's Eve all the crazy decided it was time to come out. It started with tests coming back odd...and I thought my life was just beginning with my soon-to-be husband back then. Then I get told about the cervical dysplasia and I admit the word pre-cancerous cells is scary. It just is.

So as we move into 1998, the year does not get any better at that point. I find a man I am madly in love with and now I am falling more ways than one. That's when the blisters started. Blisters. Are. Bad. These were not your ordinary ones mind you, well have a read over there at my link. I'll wait. Humming music in my head. Okay, back on track. See I told you. They used LATIN words. Latin. On me. Who did they think they were dealing with?? I had a B.A. in English and was a researcher. Of course I was going to find out what they trying to hide. And it wasn't going to be good...but I already knew the that the second she whispered to the other doctor.

Anyway, I consoled myself back then with the fact that out of all the porphyrias, mine seemed to be the less likely to cause internal pain. I didn't think about the psychological at the time. The fact that I was such a strong person and this was slowly killing me inside. But, I had a wedding to plan so let's get to the rest of 1998, and how it lingered on. You will want to read that link over there again. I'll wait for you to catch up because that one includes everyone's favorite subject. Vampire lore (hint, I do not sparkle, but yes, the burning part is real). I have been told I am ageless. There is some truth to that part of the myth as well. I do get my blood taken for life. But I would not wish this on even the most fervent Twilight fan. P.S. that vamp is dumb. My man Damon Salvatore is much fact any vampire is better than Mr. Sparkle. Just my opinion.

Okay, back to me getting married at this point in my life with pints of blood taken every week, no sunlight, no birth control, no alcohol, and blisters still present. Did I mention my skin burned? Burned all over, but especially my hands. Ding, ding ding! See how I came up with the quote title?? It made perfect sense. Love of literature combined with the horrible stuff going on in my body. Poof. Perfect title. So let's finish up remembering why I started this blog by reading this post the Summer of 1998. And this my friends, is why I need to finish my book. I believe my story can and does help others feel less alone in this world. And this was just the beginning.