Body Popping

Posted on the 04 April 2013 by Mushbrainedramblings

Hope has been celebrating feeling better by adding to her repertoire of dance moves … up til now she’s excelled at wiggling … sitting cross legged on the floor and conducting, waving her arms, clapping and beating rhythm to the music whilst wriggling and beaming … as of tonight she has added in the leg moves bless her; kicking her legs gleefully up and down in time with the music. Mother has decided she will be a ballet dancer and not a lorry driver … I still think she’ll be a scientist or engineer with a drum kit and the top spot with the Royal Ballet. Either that or she’ll be joining in with her Uncle Jake and body popping across the stage on a world tour… she has also learnt to drink out of a tea cup and put it back on a saucer (milk), and has even more jokes some visual and some which she burbles in Hope-ish and then chortles wildly about. She saw her boyfriend Alfie earlier today and the two of them played a very funny game with a sock … there is something remarkable about the way children interact with each other and how they just seem to ‘get’ each other even at a year old.

It’s good to have her back on form … the doctor, however, says that once someone so small has had an aggressive UTI it is likely to come back so we have to be ontop of temperatures and so on … I’m so glad not to have to go through the medicine torture much longer and not to have (touch wood) more hospital visits planned.

I think the stress of last week is coming out in me now, the keeping on keeping on that a mother has to have has hit a bit of a wall of tiredness and tonight I have a bit of a cold and a sore throat … they will clearly not be tolerated and I’ve gargled with litres of TCP and honey and lemon, I also enjoyed a happy (if a tad on the chilly side) early evening walk … great having an extra hour of light even if it is with a Siberian wind biting at your ankles.

Right then time for bed and who knows, maybe a full night of sleep!!!