Bollards Wrapped Two...

Posted on the 26 June 2013 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon


With lots of renovation and construction happening in and around the City of London contractors are required to reduce disruption and mess but also ensure that nobody hurts themselves by for example placing foam coverings around scaffolding.
Well it appears the trend of wrapping bollards (to avoid damage) has spread to the City of London with the use of pink coloured foam and black tape.
If we take a look at the pictures/photographs (below) we can see the pink foamed wrapped bollards from varying perspectives and elevations.

Pink Foam...

Tallis Street EC4 City of London...

The #guestbollard feature goes from strength to strength and that is because of  you and your interest/beady eyes.
We have two cracking #guestbollards on the blog again the first 'Art is Trash' complete with bollard and yellow gas valve cover found by @PeepingTallulah on the twitter (below) and the second (bottom) found by @MrHappySW11 (on the twitter) on a recent visit to Paris.

Art is Trash complete with bollard...

Thank you Mr Happy...

Bollards of London...