Bomb Droppings

Posted on the 17 June 2012 by Technospecs

Bomb Droppings

Ever wondered how it will feel like if you would be able to drop a bomb in the middle of a busy community, government institution or business establishment?

Hey, I’m not talking about that kind of bomb, I’m no terrorist! But my bomb would surely explode into smithereens and a lot of splinters or shrapnel would come flying out into several directions out from its point of origin.

But I do have worries. I am frustrated on how our so called leaders and authorities react to such bomb droppings.

I am an ordinary citizen who may come under withering fire if I try to “influence” or seem to “undermine”.

I am perhaps misguided in terms of protocol because I do not believe in protocol. I would like that every man and woman in this earth can freely approach anybody regardless of position or level of authority. My actions would always be motivated by the search for truth and transparency that the Aquino government is purportedly all about.

My only fault would perhaps be the fact that I “passionately” engage in a cleansing process supposedly being conducted in my name and those of the rest of my countrymen. I may have been led to believe I can be significant enough to make a difference.

From what I have been seeing lately, it is disappointing how our authorities treat members of the public with a sincere desire to do their share for a better government.

Expect to be harangued, upbraided, verbally abused—not because we deserve it, but only because the vainglorious inquisitor before us feels like doing it.

The nation should credit every complainant’s suit, along with several other citizens’ complaints against corrupt government officials and politicians at the barangay, Sangguniang Bayan, Sandiganbayan, Office of the Ombudsman, Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Justice (DOJ) and other agencies, for having prodded authorities to investigate and bring into the light of public scrutiny the vanity of greed for fame, power and fortune. But let us pray that such participation by the citizenry may not be so shabbily treated just like how many were treated in the Impeachment Trial of the former Chief Justice Renato Corona. That trial should give voters much to ponder in the next elections. Those who held witnesses in contempt, like the sui generis Miriam Defensor Santiago, deserve to reap the same shabby treatment.

Similarly, there’s going to be another “Impeachment Trial”, or something close to it, soon. Everything would practically be almost the same except that the main characters would have a change of names.

It would be quite a bomb that would be dropping again that would constitute factors that would forever change Philippine history. More power to the Aquino government. More power to the Filipino people.

I am a “hostile witness”.

I would not hesitate to divulge damaging information against the perpetrators of evil.

I would not succumb to fear or depression and will not allow myself to suffer under the brunt of egocentric and arrogantly self-serving “authorities”.

I would remain vigilant and sensitive of the irregularities of society even if it means crossing paths with death threats and retaliation.

I would take part in the cleansing of our nation – even if my own bomb unwittingly explodes on me.

“Greatness is not reserved for a select few. Each and everyone of us has this potential. First, we must recognize this special trait that is inherent in us, then we must polish and nurture it. We must not let our circumstances in life hinder us from achieving our goal. All we need is a firm resolve and a sheer determination to succeed. We must muster enough courage to move towards the possibilities of life, against all odds! We must “push that envelope”, whatever it may take. We can be “larger than life”, if we want to! It’s all up to us.”

*credit goes to  some excerpts from a PDI editorial and Mila Longman