Bonus Post!! Gift Giving Time!

Posted on the 10 December 2012 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Bonus Post!!!
Well considering my not being in a joyful state at the moment this I could use a laugh.  I love these bonus posts from Kevin Hart and Verizon's #ihartholidays campaign. They give me a smile.
I'm sure we have all had the experience of getting a gift that is not exactly what we wanted.  Now this has not happened to often for me because I love getting gifts.  I am not picky. I get so hype that someone took the time to pick something out just for me.  For that reason, I am not a re-gifter.  It just does not feel right.  So what I usually do is say thank you.  Let the person know that I appreciate them thinking of me.  It is the thought that counts after all.  Then I'll usually put use the gift or I'll put it aside.  If I have not figured out a way to use it after a while then I'll just donate it.
So how do you react to gifts that are not to your taste or liking? Do you re-gift?  Check out the video to see Kevin's reaction to his gift from Aunt Betty.