By Liz
An open letter for a new year and a new blog! As you may have noticed the direction of the Rider Chronicles has turned out to be different than Jamie and I had set out for it to be. That's life, eht! You plan on one thing and due to circumstances in and out of your control, growing up, and evolving things change. What does this mean for the Rider Chronicles?
Well, that's kinda up in the air. A few changes for sure, Jamie is going to break from the blog world. No worries, I'm still going to see if I can get her to contribute every now and then if a situation and story arises that would be perfect for y'all to explore. I have not told her this yet, but I'll work on her... *wink, wink*
Other changes include a lack of "riding" per say. I know, I know! Shame on me :O) What happens if I'm not 'riding' as much, but still call this blog Rider Chronicles? Good question! I think that I'll keep the name, just change some of the 'branding' and topics. Let's look at this as a way of sharing adventures... In a way, that's what it's been all along. So, I'll share adventures of the heart, mind, body, and soul. I would love for any guest blogger to share their adventures too! Currently I'm waiting for the travel extraordinaire Jeremy to write a post on a recent trip to Japan. *nudge, nudge*
As the Rider Chronicles finds it way in the next weeks and months I appreciate your patience and readership. It means so much to me to be able to share adventures! During this past week my dear friend Courtney posted a quote on Facebook on New Years Eve. I'm going to take this quote to jump start the New Year and Rider Chronicles 2.0.