Book Recommendations for Your Toddler

Posted on the 09 May 2013 by Elena @croppedstories

In case you didn't see it, I posted a poll in my sidebar (to the right).  I hope you'll take a view seconds to vote!  I would really appreciate it!

Lately, the little one (Alivia) and I have been doing a lot of reading.  And I mean A LOT!  10 books in one sitting wouldn't be unheard of in our house and not just once but at least twice a day.  At least!  It's a good thing Alivia has good taste in books or I may have considered this a monotonous task to read the same ol' books over and over again!  Instead, we have such a great time during our reading adventures.  I love to use silly voices and get really animated while I read to her.  I'm pretty certain she appreciates my efforts or I don't think I'd be getting as many smiles, giggles, and requests to read them just one more time!  Reading is such a great opportunity to bond with your children.  As a bonus, they get to learn as well and there is nothing better than that!

Today, I thought I'd share some of Alivia's favorite books with you!  They are in no particular order and most of them are for 2 years and up.

1. Miss Mary Mack
2. The Potty Book for Girls (they have one for boys too)
3. The very Hungry Caterpillar
4. Snuggle Up Sleep Ones
5. Heartprints
6. Night Night Blessings
7. My Big Book of Beginner Books about Me
8. Three Billy Goats Gruff
9. Goodnight Moon


If you missed my previous post, Nature Photography & Alvin and the Chipmunks, feel free to catch up!

More importantly, are your ready for Mother's Day?  I can't believe it's this weekend!  If you haven't done your shopping yet, you may want to check out my Mother's Day post for some great gift ideas!  

Oh, and don’t forget to come back tomorrow for another Spot the Differences game! 

Technorati Tags: book recommendations,consumer info,link love,book favorites,dr. seuss,eric carle,product recommendations