Book: Return on Relationships #RoR #cbias

Posted on the 21 January 2013 by Jamie Gall @50states50wines


We have them from the very minute we are born whether through our parents, our grandparents, our siblings, our aunts and uncles, and our friends, colleagues, and others we meet on the road called life, but at what point do we stop to think about the relationships that happen amongst businesses and the consumer?

Return on Relationships is a term that Ted Rubin has been utilizing for years.  A question he has stopped to think about along his journey of life, and now he has teamed up with Kathryn Rose, to put those thoughts and ideas into a book.

But why now, is the Return on Relationship so important?  Since the influx of social media, there’s a new way of looking at relationships, as a whole, especially in the way we do business.  For those of you in the business world, for those in the social media world, this is the book for you.

Ted Rubin and Kathryn Rose have teamed up to give different perspectives on the “Return of Relationships.”  The book will be out January 29th and you can purchase it through amazon.

Ted also wrote a nice article about his book, and gave a little bit of perspective on what to expect in the book on his blog

Ted Rubin:  is the Chief Social Marketing Officer of CollectiveBias  a Social Shopper Media Company. He is a leading social marketing strategist and in March 2009 started using and evangelizing the term ROR, Return on

Kathryn Rose: is an award-winning, best-selling author, speaker and social media strategist and trainer with clients ranging from multi-million dollar corporations, to small business owners and entrepreneurs. Kathryn has a 20+ year career in sales and marketing that includes successful track record of using a collaborative mindset to increase sales.

Disclosure: I am being provided with a copy of the book “Return on Relationships.”  I am pretty excited about this book, and know many of you can benefit from reading this.