Book Review - #2

Posted on the 13 March 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
Two weekends ago I got on Twitter and asked for suggestions on what book I should read. Even though I have a giant stack of books to-read, I wanted something on my Kindle.  A few books were suggested multiple times, such as The Hunger Games (which I've already devoured), The Help and Water For Elephants
After texting various friends to break the Twitter-Tie, I chose Water For Elephants. Then comments started rolling in about how The Help was so much better. I started to worry I had made the wrong choice. 
I didn't need to worry about anything. I LOVED this book. Gruen's writing sucked me into the world of the 1920's circus. The book is narrated by the protagonist, as he sits in a nursing home. The juxtaposition of his life now, and his life as a runaway boy-man really brought home the importance of the story and his journey through difficult times.
I think I related to the main character in that I wouldn't mind escaping from reality. However, I'm positive I couldn't survive in the conditions lived in by the workers, not to mention the animals.  I believe it's categorized as a romance, but it is definitely not "chick-lit," which is my usual romance go-to.  The story is more about life, with love interspersed, than romance all the time. I would point out, however, that the language and some details are risqué. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to my bible study group without a disclaimer.
Of note, a good friend of mine warned me that she couldn't finish the book because of the cruelty to animals. I know this sounds heartless, but animals are not something that gets to my heart. Yes, I like a cute puppy or kitten as much as the next girl, but I have a cousin who will start to cry if you speak of turning a cow into a hamburger. That's just not me. So, if you are really sensitive to animal issues, I would recommend something else for your weekend read.
All in all I'd give the book a 4/5 for the great writing, lifelike descriptions and fantastic story-line.