A few weeks ago via twitter, I found out that Mitch Albom had a new book coming out. I was immediately pumped about this because I LOVE all of his book. I reached out to find out the release. Instead I got a pre released copy in the mail. By this point I was flipping out. The book starts out from the point of view of the person who created time, Dor. He loved to measure everything and because of that he got locked in cave. His punishment was to hear all the voices of those who wanted more time. Then one day he is able to leave to cave, BUT he has to help 2 people realize how precious time is on Earth. One is a heartbroken teen over a guy who wrote mean things on social networking. The other is an elderly rich man who is dying of cancer. Dor finds them and shows them the meaning of time. I'm not going to tell you how because you should read the book yourself. Plus, I hate when people ruin endings for me.