Self Expression Magazine

Bootcamp Day Two-Tearful Tuesdays

Posted on the 02 April 2013 by Remielund @remsluxuryblog

 Bootcamp Day Two Tearful Tuesdays

Day two started with a blissful lie in until 6.45 followed by the dreaded three mile run before breakfast. I put on my ‘please don’t make me face’ that I usually reserve for tea making duties at work but it worked to no avail. My time almost doubled due to the fact that I was struggling to move my arms and legs but I got through it and was greeted at the breakfast table with a big bowl of porridge sprinkled with flaxeed powder and fruit. Before you imagine a bowl of porridge packed with maple syrup and sugar, just remember this is bootcamp so it was of course made with sensible almond milk and absolutely no sugary naughtiness. This was the fuel we needed to take on the 18 mile bike ride along the Tarka Trail that day.

I have to say that as someone who hasn’t ridden a bike since they were eight years old, an 18 mile bike ride is a teeny tiny bit daunting but I managed to return in one piece. During the ride we were given a blueberry muffins that almost tasted like real muffins found in Starbucks and after 9 miles tasted like little pieces of pure heaven.

 Bootcamp Day Two Tearful Tuesdays

Lunch was a small tuna salad and was eaten in approximately 7.2 seconds and was the first thing I could imagine myself attempting to make at home. After lunch we had swimming, *sob* abs, boxing and an outdoor circuit that was really tough. The afternoon session was mostly indoors apart from when my team lost the swimming challenge and had to run an outdoor lap of the pool in nothing but our swimsuits! Brrrrrrrrrr.

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We have to work out again? 

Today was known as Tearful Tuesdays and for those bootcampers who had been in camp for three days, bootcamp blues were getting the better of them. A word about beanies, they don’t slim the face, they do hideous things to your hair and they will never be sexy. But they do keep your ears warm, so slip it on and suck it up ladies. Luckily for us, they have just emerged as one of the season’s hottest trends. Add a pom pom and you could almost mistake it for a Chanel!

Here’s a little rundown of day 2:

Get up, trip over unpacked suitcase, wonder why I haven’t unpacked, get dressed, search for water bottle, run, eat, get changed, mirror check, bike ride, eat, take off 6 million layers, shower, put on 8 million layers, locate water bottle, vow to unpack, ab session, get changed, look for goggles, flip flops, towel and swimsuit, swim, attempt to remove goggle marks from forehead, shower, get changed, mirror check, eat, slap on moisturiser and bronzer as not to scare fellow bootcampers, boxing, contemplate ordering Dominos, circuits, peel off gym kit, shower, PJ’s, attempt to read, fall asleep with book on face, dream of carbs.

It’s a little different from my usual day:

Get up, bitch about having to get out of bed, drive to work, moan about walking up the stairs and sit down at desk, contemplate eating a Crunchie with my tea, buy Crunchie, walk to kettle, walk back to desk via snack box, eat lunch, send a tweet about food, buy some gym kit online, vow to go to the gym, book a gym class, drive home from work, have dinner, do four squats while watching New Girl, take a hot chocolate to bed. Contemplate a midnight feast.

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As it was only day two, I was still relatively fresh, if a little shell shocked from the  sheer amount of hard work that we had to do. Just as I was beginning to think I had adjusted to the work out schedule, we did a ridiculously tough boxing circuit that took every ounce of energy to complete. If you want to tone up your arms at super speed, boxing is great and you don’t have to go to the gym to do it if you buy gloves and pads. I can already see the difference in just four days. I lost an inch from each arm in my time at Revival bootcamp! If anyone knows of a Boxercise class in Leeds, let me know in the comments as this is one activity I’m going to try to stick at.

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