Bored Under the Dryer.

Posted on the 08 October 2011 by Actuallystrange @ActuallyStrange

Today is going well so far. I woke up, made myself tea, made my bed, and now I’m having my hair done. I’m sitting underneath the dryer as I type this.

l need to get all my work does this weekend because next week I’m super busy with group events. I’ll have eight hours left when I get home. I should be able to get some stuff done.

I don’t have the ability right now but later I’m going to post about my study tool-kit. I mentioned before that I work better with menial tasks if I’m working to music.

There are a number of songs, videos and audiobooks that help me work more efficiently on tasks that require no thought and maybe they’ll help you, too!

I have four minutes left underneath the dryer. Um…I read an article in Today’s Parent that cautioned parents against posting about their kids on Facebook. I agree, perhaps because of my current attitude towards Facebook. It’s good for events, and keeping up with BIG news but for the most part I communicate with my friends off Facebook.

When I get pregnant, only people I’m related to or friends with will get to see the sonogram. I will never post about being pregnant or having the baby. Not only could something happen, knock on wood, but the majority of my Facebook friends don’t need to know.

I’m also not going to post about what my kids are doing. I know someone you wouldn’t be friends with her child so she could complain about her on Facebook.

My parents and I had tiny issues in the past just like anyone, but we left them off Facebook.

What do you think about parents posting stuff about their kids?

I’m supposed to get out from underneath the dryer but my stylist is busy. At least it shut off.

Adele’s “Someone Like You” is playing. I hate this song. It isn’t like “Rolling in the Deep.” I used to hate that song but heard it a lot and now I can mildly tolerate it. I don’t even want to mildly tolerate “Someone Like You.” I don’t like the lyrics, perhaps because I don’t subscribe to the simplified explanation that most people seem to accept. “She misses him and is sad, but she’ll find someone else!”

What I hear is,“You’re found someone better than me. You’re married to her but I’m going to “show up in the blue uninvited” and remind you “that for me it isn’t over.””

Uh, ok…? That does not seem productive to me. I sometimes feel that people should pay closer attention to lyrics. There are songs like Katy Perry’s “ET” and Neon Trees “Surrender” that have somewhat creepy lyrics. “See, I abducted you so I tell you what to do; I tell you what to do!” and “I got close to your skin while you were sleeping.” Ok…

I’m back from the salon. I’m not going outside again today because it’s freezing cold. Oh well. That means that I’ll get more stuff done.

I hope you’re having a great weekend!