…Bowl Over

Posted on the 04 February 2019 by Zer @the2women

…Bowl OverAnother Super Bowl has come and gone. Surprising no one, the Patriots' dynasty continues to dominate.

While I was rooting for no one (except you, " Skittles the Musical "), I'll admit that watching the Patriots win again kind of sucks. However, in the interest of starting the week off on the right foot, I'd like to congratulate Boston on the victory.

Sorry, that's all you get for now (baby steps). Besides, does anyone really win when 99 percent of the game is soooo boring?

Most of the action surrounding last night's game was happening off the field, and I'm not just talking about the commercials.

The first moment came prior to kick off with an MLK lead-in to the coin toss. It's no secret that the NFL is having a PR problem of their own making. Their strong-arm response to the protests started by Colin Kaepernick was (and is) on the wrong side of history. Their choice to include this tie-in seemed misguided at best. Attempting to distort the narrative is what got them into this mess. This whole moment felt icky and contrived.

It wasn't all incredibly depressing. The commercials provided a few moments of distraction. One such moment came in the form of the Doritos' commercial featuring a Chance the Rapper and Backstreet Boys mashup. I'll admit it, my inner tween was fan-girling hardcore.

If boy bands and pure happiness aren't really your thing, there was also a new sneak peek at the upcoming "Toy Story 4." And if Pixar is not your speed, well I'm sorry your life is so devoid of joy. Good luck.

For the rest of you, I'm just going to leave this right here. May it be just a small part of your happiness this week.