Boxrun Update Day 40 and 41: Mike Strange’s Run to Knock out Cancer

Posted on the 23 May 2012 by Hotelprops @hotelprops

Boxrun Update Day 40 and 41: Mike Strange’s run to knock out CancerDay 40 represented the half way point of Mikes run across Canada. I’ve known Mike for many years, and one thing he has always been is a dedicated person. He is a 3 time Olympic boxer, he owns a successful British Pub in Niagara Falls (The Highland Tap), he is a member of a charity organization called The Falls View Hose Brigade – which helps local charities every year through events, and he is the coordinator of an annual event called Heater’s Hero’s – which raises money for cancer research by giving people a chance to run a lap with any number of various celebrities. In its inaugural year the even raised $25,000. This year they hope to surpass that amount.

With all that said, I will now post Mikes personal entries from the last 2 days:Boxrun Update Day 40 and 41: Mike Strange’s run to knock out Cancer

Halfway done is the BoxRun journey as Day #40 has come to an end!!!!Today started 7 km east of Swift Current and the weather was perfect for a run.I started running at 11:30 a.m and the first 16 km went awesome and my friend from back home Tim Vanderberg came out again with his 2 great boys and lovely wife Antonietta .Tim ran with me for the rest of the day and it really started to get hot and was struggling a bit at the 32 km mark but got the remainder in and did my 40km and then Tims wife Antonietta cooked a great meal for us and gave us a donation for the cause aswell.People have been so friendly to us and we appreciate it so much,they are going to try to meet us in Banff when we make it that far.Speaking of far,we are counting down from 40 days now ,woo hoo!!!!
Todays dedication was to Raedene Samuel Averitt’s mother Sheila Spear,who battled a Brain tumour for 10 months and passed away in 2005 at the age of 59.She was the founder of the spa at White Oakes and touched many through her years in that field.
Also,Nicole Durdan made a dedication to her grandmother,Marie Durdan who passed away of Breast Cancer in 1977,a year before Nicole was born.Nicole remembers legendary stories from others about her grandmother and wished so much that she could have me this special person.Nicole just had a baby boy and knows how important family is and Nicole,your grandmother would be so proud of you!!!!!!
Finally the number of km that i have ran is more than the km i have left!Awesome,cant wait to get back to see everybody in the falls!!!!!

BoxRun Day 34 -  A video excerpt from his website at

Boxrun day #41 is going to be a short one cause my internet connection sucks and i have tried and lost my post 3 times!
1,first 8km was going good until my left shin started acting up again with a shooting pain!
2,the next 8km was unbearable and almost didnt finish cause the pain was so bad!
3,went to lunch with a former falls native Belinda yorke who treated myself and Tim aswell as meeting the mayor of Gull lake .
4,i bought Tiger balm patches at the phrmacy and went back to finish my run for the day
5,started the run again with my patch on and the pain was so sharp that i started to cringe every step i took.
6,I took a beather in the rv and putt an ice pack on my shin and took some pain pills and then waited 25 min and hit the road again and managed to get the whole 40km in and have no idea how.
7,the reason how might be because of the dedication today as this 42 yr old woman Cathy Nagy just passed away of leukemia leaving her husband and son behind and fought another cancer for years before getting leukemia,every body loved Cathy!!!
8,I am now in Piapot,Saskatchewan ,a town of 48 people as a gret couple who own a saloon let us stay above them,reminds me of Bonanza and I have Big Hoss sleeping in the room beside me ,some of you know him as TIM!!!!!2 and half days away from Alberta,Hee Haw!!!!