Boys of the Blog

Posted on the 19 September 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
So it's that time of the month when Gary takes over my blog for the day. I know that he loves to blog a little bit each month. I love that Mal and Stephanie do this each month. We have done it in the past before so you can see the other here and here.  So we are going to do it a little different. I am going to guess that the answer would be and then Gary is going to tell us the correct answer.  1. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
J: Shark. It's his favorite animal. He even has it tattooed on his back.  G: Shark! 
2. What is your favorite meal? J: Anything Mexican. He eats a lot of burritos.  G: He said, he could see that but wings. (J: That would have been my second guess.)

3. Do you use any forms of Social Media? What is your favorite?  J: He has facebook and twitter. He doesn't use them as often as I do. I think his favorite would be facebook only because I see him using that more.  G: Yep, facebook and twitter. I don't get twitter. 
4. Beer, wine, liquor, other, or none of the above? J: Mostly beer but we went to Vegas and he got a Jack and Coke.  G: I'll take beer all day, but I do like Jack and Coke every once in a while. 
5. Complete the sentence: "Never have I ever..." J: I can only imagine what he is going to say to this. I'm actually a little nervous. G: This is tough..I don't know how I want to answer this...peed in the pool! 
Thanks bb for filling in for me today! I can't wait for next month to see what these girls come up with.