This year, Brailey grew grass with different fertilizers - horse poo, chicken poo, Triple 16 and then one without any fertilizer. Brailey thought the Triple 16 would grow the fastest, but it turned out to be the slowest. The horse poo was the winner! Horse poo was followed by the plain potting soil and then the chicken poo. We are very proud of her board and thought it turned out well. She watered and measured the grass every single day for 14 days and recorded her data. She spent time putting her board together Friday, Saturday and almost the entire afternoon of Sunday. These science projects take a lot of time. Unfortunately, she didn't make the Top 15, but there were a ton of really good projects, and like Brady and I shared with her, you win some, you lose some! And she's had a lot of success in her young life she can be proud of, including this science project.