…Break the Fall

Posted on the 13 April 2019 by Zer @the2women

There's one more sleep until the "Game of Thrones" season premiere, and I have a small confession to make. I'm not ready.

Allow me to clarify. Technically, I'm ready. I've got my 20+ storylines sorted out. The cliffhanger ending of season seven is seared into my brain. But emotionally, I am not good.

There are only six episodes standing in between us and the end of "Game of Thrones." How can that possibly be enough time?
That means by mid-May all we'll have is the "Game of Thrones" prequel to look forward to, and (most likely) all the feels.

Although, given how quickly Viserion turned the Wall into a puddle, episodes two through six might resemble a BBC nature documentary as we admire the resiliency of the wildlife of Westeros while learning a valuable lesson about man's ability to self-destruct. I just hope that Ed Sheeran makes it.

Okay, we've got this. See you on the other side...of the wall that definitely isn't there anymore...I'm fine.

More on the Story: Daily Beast

...just for fun: