Breaking Spots

Posted on the 21 June 2013 by Liz @RiderChronicles

by Liz 

Breaking up the work day is very important to me… As a cubical/office worker I find myself in front of the computer and on my bum for long periods of time.I try to make an effort to get up as often as possible to move around and get my blood pumping (well more than it already is).We all hear about how “sitting is killing us” that sedentary lifestyles are just as deadly as smoking, eating red meat, salt, and alcohol.Even taking a two minute stroll every hour during an eight hour day will drastically reduce risks and be all around better for your body.
When the lunch bell rings, I find myself getting out even if I have no plans or the weather is not top notch.Walking for some or all of my lunch break has become a habit.Now, I’m not “walking” for exercise, it’s just to get those extra steps in.My biggest go to place is about a half a mile one way, but it’s a Market.Which is fun to browse, but I usually do not just browse if you know what I mean…
So, when I found a nice little park between some offices a short walk from work I was very pleased.It is again the perfect distance to walk, eat lunch, read a bit, and then walk back to work on my forty minute break.   Also, it has a pretty sweet view of the Sound and Olympic Mountain Range.I’ve gone down to the water plenty of times on my break, but the route does not leave much time to dilly or dally around.   Just time to take a nice walk to the destination and thenhead back a few moments later.Check out my new faves spot and don’t forget to get up and get out a bit yourselves.Happy Breaking!
Overlooking Myrtel Edwards Park before hitting the Sound.