Breakups and Makeups.

Posted on the 19 October 2012 by Gracem16 @TSITR_Gracie
Hey guys,
I really want to talk about a really heart to heart subject; breakups and makeups.
It's not that I myself have had a breakup recently but I just wanted to talk about this very openly like an advice guru? Which I most certainly am not! But I hope that this advice will help you if you yourself are going through a situation like this... a close friend of mine at University promised that "things will be okay in the end." And they will, I know from experience going through several bad "breakups" that they aren't easy! But I can 110% assure you things do get better! Even if it's slightly it's better than being at the bottom of a well- no movie reference intended ;)! They do, get so much better and all you have to do is keep strong and look up- over a million people look up at that sky too and they could be going through much worse than yourself. And, if you are like me are eighteen or younger then I really do think that the time a relationship lasts doesn't mean anything. I don't think it's until you are in a serious relationship does that amount of months, years, days you are together mean something. At this age, you really wouldn't consider really marrying that person. I don't know you could be very different from myself but I really just don't think it has a considerable impact. I think though that if I was to be in a relationship with someone for three years; by which time I'd be twenty only then would I really consider it a serious valid relationship. At fifteen if I had been with my boyfriend for a year and a half I would be happy of course, but I wouldn't consider it a monumental aspect in my life. All of my previous relationships truthfully have been less than four months, it was just due to the fact I had a lot else going on in my life. Now at University, I feel that this is a huge detrimental milestone in my life and once I've completed a degree and perhaps an MA then will I think about marriage etc. For now, I am happy to have a relationship and see how it progresses. Okay, that wasn't a rant about my view on relationships at all! But what I want to fundamentally point out is that "things will get better." And if you aren't happy in a relationship at whatever stage in your life try and work with it and then call it off. Don't give up at the first hurdle. I think for me I was pulled in too fast and I was deluded by liking someone and believing it would work out at fifteen. It may, if it does good luck to you. For myself personally, I wouldn't dive in so quickly to think we'd marry. Of course, my Grandparents were married at sixteen but that was like late 50's things were very,very different with culture and society. Now most of us will go to University, travel, work and experience new things we have so many more opportunities now. The world is big, wide and vast, it is ours to take and ours to receive.
As a tangent, I think a song that really helps me to grasp this, to think about life and it's vast amazement is this song:
That's all.
Love to you all,