ME: What’s this called?
LAUREN: Peppermint stick?
ME: Nope.
LAUREN: Broccoli?
ME: Almost, broccoli……rabe!
ME: Yeah, like I’m going to rob you.
SAM: Don’t say the “rob” word.
ME: Some of the stems are a little woody, OK, but here’s a piece.
ME: What does it look like?
SAM: I want dinner.
LAUREN: It looks like real flowers.
ME: What does it look like Emma?
EMMA: A ting.
ME: Like a thing? That’s right.
ME: What does it smell like?
LAUREN: It smells like greens.
ME: What does it taste like?
SAM: Broccoli.
ME: Tastes a bit like broccoli?
LAUREN: Yeah, it does!
ME: Does it taste exactly the same as broccoli? Or a little bit different?
LAUREN: A little bit different.
SAM: Different.
EMMA: I don’t wike it.
LAUREN: A little of the same too. I like it raw.
ME: Do you want to try it raw?
SAM: I ate a flower?
ME: That’s not a flower, that’s the bud. Now don’t go eating flowers off the street, OK?
EMMA: Waw (raw).
ME: You liked the raw flower Emma?
SAM: I don’t like the raw. Yuk, (gagging noises)
ME: So should we get broccoli rabe again?
SAM: Robbie rob.
ME: Don’t say the rob word.
SAM: (snickers)