Welcome to year two of our weekly series of ‘link-up’ Posts which reflect on life’s journey, old memories and family stories (see below for more info).
Sometimes life throws you a bone. Literally. I was pondering in the peace of a Sunday afternoon what the theme should be for this week’s blog Nostalgia Linky post, when I received a phone call from a distant Northumbrian hospital.
Hmm, Northumberland – that’s where my eldest son is spending the weekend on rugby tour with 30 drunken dads.
“George has had an accident.”
Gulp. Don’t panic, don’t panic.
“I think he’s broken his arm.”
WTF. Ohmygod, Ohmygod.
“Mind you, he was playing like a demon”
Oh, well that’s all right then……NOT.
So, there we are. A pretty unorthodox Sunday afternoon involving rescuing half of the family from Geordieland, and helping my teenage son dress and undress for the first time in 7 years. He is fine, although bones are needing to be re-set (ouch). He will, I rather suspect, see this war wound as something of a trophy and a few hours off school, rather than an encumbrance.
My mind flew back to 1973 when I saw him, all trussed up with a triangular bandage for a sling. I broke my wrist (the same one, same place) when I was six years old on some devilish plastic roller skates. I hurtled down the hill at the top of our street and a crack in the pavement opened up before me like the San Andreas Fault (or at least that’s how I remember it) and I did a ‘Superman’ onto my green-stick wrists. I rather enjoyed the attention at school, but have never forgotten the giant whirring circular saw (I was six, to be fair) which was employed to remove the plaster cast each time.
The up-side of a break in 1973 was getting your mates to sign your plaster. The up-side of a break in 2013 – at least George will get to pick a colour.
Did you have any childhood (or later) broken bones? What are your memories of the events that caused them and your recovery time? Were your mates impressed or was the whole thing a total bind? Join in with a comment, or write your own Blog post and share in on our Linky. A new theme every week, always nostalgia based, just for fun.
Whatever you do, do justice to your memories – they are my bread and butter.
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More about the Life’s a Journey weekly memories series.
A selection of other posts from this series:-
Week 2 – Old School Portrait
Week 4 – Bestest Friends
Week 5 – Teenage Crushes
Week 6 – First Movie Memories
Week 9 – Favourite Childhood Books
Week 19 – Becoming a Parent
Week 25 – Old Boyfriends
Week 39 – My home town