Diaries Magazine

Brothers | August 2015

Posted on the 15 August 2015 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
This post marks the second month that I'm joining in with the 'Siblings' link up hosted by the lovely Lucy from dearbeautifulboy.com and I can't quite believe that it's been a month already since I wrote this post. Logan is now very nearly 7 weeks old and quite honestly, the weeks just really seem to have flown by! 
Brothers | August 2015
Logan is much more alert now, he sleeps less than he did when he was totally brand new and so requires a lot more attention than he did when he was first born. Sometimes I feel like this impacts on Ethan a little, as often he'll bring me a car or a sticker book and will want me to play with him right when I'm in the middle of feeding Logan. Ethan knows that he has to share both his Daddy and I with his little brother and though when he's older he'll never remember that he was an only child once, I would think that right now it must be sometimes quite difficult to accept that where once he had all of our attention and all of our time, he now has to share it. 
It's hard to know exactly how Ethan feels, being that he is so young himself, but it's the little things that he does that tell us that he's happy to now have a little brother. Whenever one of us takes Ethan out, he'll wave goodbye to Logan every single time before he goes and will often go and stroke him on his head. In fact, Ethan strokes Logan on the head quite a lot, it's his way of showing Logan affection and a way to show us all that he really cares about him. If Logan is crying, Ethan will get our attention and point to Logan, as if to say "Look, Logan's upset." and he'll often try and put Logans dummy back in when it falls out. Ethan also thinks it's hilarious when I throw my voice and pretend to be Logan, starting every sentence with "Hey Brother!.." There really are lots of little things that Ethan does that tell us that he's happy about Logan being here. And when I catch Logan looking up at Ethan and watching him, it always brings a great big smile to my face. Having both a toddler and a newborn, really isn't easy, but having these two boys and knowing that one day they will have the most wonderful bond really does make all the challenging, utterly tough days feel totally worth it!
Brothers | August 2015Brothers | August 2015Brothers | August 2015Brothers | August 2015Brothers | August 2015Brothers | August 2015Brothers | August 2015Brothers | August 2015Brothers | August 2015dear beautifulBrothers | August 2015
Brothers August 2015 

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