I'm going to cheat here and use some pictures from Halloween, so technically October. But it was the very last day of October, so I'm allowed that I think. I just really wanted to use these photos of the boys in their little costumes on my bed together, because they looked so sweet, Ethan was dressed as a raccoon and Logan as a baby skeleton.
I still haven't got over beaming about seeing my boys together, I'm sure I never will. It's incredible to look at them together and know that I created two little humans, two little boys, brothers, MY children. The result of the love that I have for their Daddy.
I know that as they get older, this feeling will only intensify. I'm not naive enough to think that they won't squabble. Of course they will. But I know there will be moments of them sitting and playing together, helping each other to learn something, running around the park together, protecting each other. It's those moments that will make my heart feel fuller than it even does now. I share a lot of the good moments of parenthood because quite honestly there are so many of them, there really really are. Because even when you're so tired that you feel you can't move and when you're beginning to feel a little bit desperate to hear your own thoughts, it only takes a moment of seeing your children being sweet with each other, or to hear their laughter or to see them smiling, which make it ALL entirely worth it.