Diaries Magazine

Brothers | September 2015

Posted on the 15 September 2015 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
Brothers | September 2015
I so enjoy writing these posts every month. Even though this is only our third month of joining in, it's already lovely to be able to look back and see how much our boys grow each month and how their relationship as brothers develops. This month Logan has been noticing his brother much more. He'll often watch him and occasionally will smile at him, and when he does it melts my heart.
Ethan seems to love his brother just as much as he always has. He's forever mentioning him, calling him' LoLo', pointing at him, going to kiss him and is still stroking his head just as much. And he still thinks it's just as hilarious when I throw my voice and pretend to be Logan. Ethan seems to really enjoy it when we try and get Logan to join in with him - he'll often try and give Logan one of his toy cars so that he'll play with him, which I think is so sweet! He's happy to lay next to Logan and loves it when I do whatever I'm doing with them both at the same time, like bathing them, getting them dressed, reading stories or just generally being a bit silly. When he lays next to his brother, Ethan will often shout 'Twooo!', which means Mama's got two babies! ;) .. And I certainly do -  I have two little beautiful boys that along with their Daddy totally own my heart. I'm a lucky lady. 
Brothers | September 2015Brothers | September 2015Brothers | September 2015
Brothers | September 2015
Brothers | September 2015Brothers September 2015 

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