Self Expression Magazine

BSC Bloggin’ Project

Posted on the 19 January 2013 by Laurensouch @misslau

Recently, I signed up to get involved with a really cool blog project being run by Sarah Millar: re-reading (and blogging about!) all of the old Baby Sitters Club books. While I was always a bigger fan of Sweet Valley Twins (and SVH/SVU/etc.), the BSC holds a special place in my heart, too - particularly once the TV show and movies came out, as I spent many summers watching (and re-watching) them with my sister.

If you’re a child of the 80s like I am, I’m sure you remember this series… and maybe even this theme song!

Sunny, blonde-haired, environmentally friendly Dawn was always my favorite BSC character, so it should come as no surprise that the first book I choose to read and write about was “The Ghost at Dawn’s House” – which, coincidently, was also my favorite book.

Much like Dawn, I also loved scary stories as a kid (in fact, I still do) — even though they get your imagination racing and make you jump to crazy conclusions over the silliest things (ie. an old house making weird noises).

“I was right in the middle of ‘The Hand of the Witch’ when the lights flickered. They dimmed, went out for a second, then came back on. 

My heart began to pound. Weren’t there tricky spirits called poltergeists that could cause things like that?

My window began to rattle. I know the wind was blowing, but I’d never heard such a racket.

As soon as the rattling stopped, I heard a rat-a-tat-a-tat on the wall.

That did it.

‘Eeee-iii!’ I shrieked.”

Yup, that was totally me (right down to the shrieking), and I think that’s part of the reason this book resonated with me as a kid, and was dubbed my favorite.

While I’ve only written once for the project so far, I have a slew of books I’ve signed up to read (and, of course, blog about) coming up later this month – you can follow along with my posts here, or check out the entire project by clicking here.

Now, back to packing for Florida (we leave tomorrow! :)

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