Bucket List

Posted on the 02 July 2013 by Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Yesterday I received an email from Emma at MoneySupermarket telling me about a competition they are running to help people complete something off their bucket list, the winner will get £1000, while four runner ups will get £50.

I thought I’d share with you a short version of my bucket list, and why I want to do the things on them. We’d probably be here all day if I told you everything that is on my list, and I also have a plan for some of the much smaller ones!

1. Learn Italian – This is something that actually isn’t too expensive to do, there are plenty of teach yourself CD sets available online, but I just haven’t got round to buying one and giving it a go. I absolutely love Italy, and I really want to go back but I want to know more of the language before I do so that I can hopefully converse a little more with the Italians I meet.

2. Live in Scotland – Not the easiest of things to be done, and not something that will happen anytime soon. However I am looking at possibly attending university there next year once I’ve completed my access course, but we’ll wait and see what happens.

3. Watch every series of Doctor Who – This is something that requires a lot of time, and is something that I will do gradually by purchasing each series one at a time, and I probably won’t watch them in order. I can’t say if that’s a good thing or a bad thing!

4. I would love to go to DisneyWorld – I’m sure you can guess that it’s money which is stopping me from embarking on this trip. I have a friend who is off there over Christmas and New Year for her Honeymoon! I am one very jealous girl, I am looking forward to seeing all of her photos though when she gets back.

5. Go skydiving – I kind of have a fear of falling out of a plane, I don’t like heights so I know that it will freak me out, but it’s one thing that I would love to do for charity. If i’m going to do it I may as well make sure it’s for a good cause and ensure that a charity benefits from it. I know my sister is planning on doing a bungee jump or skydive to raise money for MND Association next year because it will be 10 years since our Granddad died of MND.

I would love to see what is on Hannah’s, Lisa’s, and Kirsty’s bucket lists! I know that all three would be really interesting to read, and I also wonder if they’ll have an similar to mine!

Tink x