Diaries Magazine

Budget Time.

Posted on the 24 September 2013 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
I hope that a few of you read my post yesterday.  If you didn't scroll to the bottom of the post and read that last social media post...
Okay, so I discovered fraud on my bank account Sunday evening while I was doing some intense budgeting. Luckily I decided to budget and found the fraud. I am normally not a "checkbook balancer", I am more of a "make sure my bills are paid and I can buy cute boots" type of budgeter. Which has worked pretty well in my life.
Then sometime in 2009 I decided it was time that I get a credit card, let's face it they are pretty much a must have these days. you have to build your credit to buy a car, a home, and pretty much anything. Now I have a Capital One credit card and right now I have a balance of $550 that I need to pay off. It drives me crazy to owe money to anyone! I once bought a macbook pro from my brother and set up payment plans that would have it paid off in 4 months and was so annoyed having debt that I paid it off in 2 weeks. Which is great, but then for about 3 months after that I was so tight on money. I need to find a good balance, don't we all?
I've been wanting a DSLR camera really badly for a few years. I've always wanted a camera with a lot of options to make your photos scream, so I could learn to take better photos in general and for my blog. I love having nice photos, but rarely have ones that I love. The lighting is too dark or the flash is too much. Anyway, I just want to learn to take great photos. These cameras range in cost, but the one I'm looking at is between $500 - $600. What a coincidence right, the same amount I owe on my credit card.
Budget Time.Budget Time.
Well I decided that I need to save up $1,000. Pay off my credit card and then buy a camera. Right now, I have set myself to a strict budget. I am hoping that by December this will all be possible. How hard can it be to save a $1,000 in 4 months? Oh man, it sounds really hard when I put it that way.
What are your tips for budgeting?

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