Chatting with potential clients, I always find myself saying the same thing over and over again. Your social media should be your references on your overall business resume, while those fancy products and services serve as your work history. It's really become a consumer market online and we're seeing more and more end-users shying away from businesses that don't have a viable online presence. That means everything from the website to social media channels sharing what makes you super duper special.
When you're getting your social media all shiny and new, you're going to want to remember the following few things.
* Share thoughtfully about your business. You're going to want to highlight your strengths and why a client would need your services.
* Discover local community groups, businesses and organizations that you can follow and share their content and partner with to grow your local and online presence.
* Start following blogs and online magazines that are sharing relevant content and insights into your specific industry that can serve as support for the why your potential clients need you and your biz.
* Remember to keep your personal on your Facebook Profile and off your business page! Share your content from your biz page to your profile to take advantage of the organic reach but not vice versa.
When you're getting started with your social marekting or looking to sharpen it up, make certain you're thoughtful about building your resume. It's a constant ongoing process that needs nurturing and care and updating on a regular basis.
Check out this tool we've thrown together for your social marketing management needs and don't hesitate to be in touch if you need help!