Burpees = Team Building?

Posted on the 25 May 2012 by Meplusmytrainer @meplusmytrainer
Today at work we did a boot camp workout. Boot camp workouts in general are quick, easy, fun and do not require a lot of equipment. Boot camp workouts with co-workers are even better because in addition to being all of the things I just mentioned they also help build team camaraderie, strengthen and improve relationships. Depending on what you do or where you work, it may also give your team a chance to step outside of their comfort zone and try something new.
The instructions are simple:
1. Each person had to prepare an exercise to teach to the group to last 90 seconds (some examples include: mountain climbers, jumping jacks, pushups, burpees)
2. We would all demo our exercises in advance, then during each 90 second interval one by one each person becomes the coach.
3. While everyone else is doing your exercise, that person is coaching, motivating, encouraging the other participants. They are also the time keeper. After 90 seconds, the coach calls "time"! Then it is the next persons turn.
4. You have 45 seconds in between exercises to transition coaches and prepare any equipment you may be using. Depending on how many people you have it should take any about 30-45 minutes.
Who: any team of friends or co-workers (3-12 people is best)
Where: anywhere-at a local gym or outside in a park
Why: team that exercise together are more cohesive, productive and generally more awesome
If you are anything like me, you hate working out outside when it is hot and humid. If you or any of your co-workers are GoodLife members, contact a membership consultant at your home club about setting up some complimentary guest passes. If you are not a GoodLife member, contact me and I will help you find a club close by to set up some complimentary day passes to try out the club with your team.
Sending out an email in advance will help your team prepare. That way they know where do go, what day to bring their workout clothes and give them a chance to prepare an exercise.
When they are teaching their exercise during the demo each person should ensure they mention:
1. What muscle groups the exercise uses/works
2. common mistakes
3. how and what the exercise is
4. what the desired outcome will be (what's in it for them)
5. options (if you need to modify instead of stopping)
Also, have them tell you the exercise in advance so you don't end up with 10 people teaching burpees.
I had our sales team in Guelph Ontario this week helping to promote the new location we are opening in the fall. We did our boot camp later in the afternoon after we had finished work for the day. We used the group exercise studio at the club, as it was pretty hot and humid on Wednesday-we took a vote and the majority wanted to be inside.
I should note that I work with an absolutely AWESOME group of people. Like the best of the best. The 6 of them literally travel coast to coast helping to train and develop new membership consultants as well as helping thousands of people get started with the GoodLife.
Here is how our workout went:

Burpees = Team Building?

Warm up: running laps & demonstrating our exercises 10 minutes
90 second burpees
45 second rest
90 second alternating side lunges
45 second rest
90 seconds stride step/basketball jump
45 second rest
90 second hand off push ups (all the way to the ground, hands off)
45 second rest
90 second plank (30 secs down, 30 secs each side)
45 second rest
90 second walking lunges & shuffle
45 second rest
90 second frog squats with jump
5 minute rest
Workout time: 15 minutes
Cool down: team stretch 5 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
There is really no wrong way to do this. Feel free to put your own spin on this in order to make it work for your team. If you are looking for a team building activity, this is one of the best in my humble opinion. It was great to see how each person on the team would step up and motivate and coach in different ways. If you aren't a manager or leader, you could suggest this to your supervisor and probably earn yourself a promotion. Also, if you have an annoying co worker, this is a great way to get them to do 90 seconds of burpee torture while you yell at them (it might help to get some of that frustration out).
Here is proof that we did this...just in case you didn't believe me. From left to right: Amanda, Matthew, Adam, Kendall, Alicia, Bryce.

Aren't they the best? No, you can't have them on your team. They are busy opening 10 new GoodLife clubs in the next 6 months or so!
"The strength of the team is each individual member...the strength of each member is the team". -Tara G...just kidding Phil Jackson (NBA coach of the Chicago Bulls and LA Lakers) said this.
Happy Reading,
P.S. I hate burpees.
P.P.S. Burpees hate me.