…bust a Move

Posted on the 10 April 2012 by Zer @the2women

It’s officially prom season.  Teenagers everywhere are planning, preparing, and working up the nerve to ask out that special someone.

Imagine how nerve-wracking it must be to finally pick up the phone, type that message, and send that tweet asking Justin Bieber to prom.

It seems teenagers everywhere are forgoing the traditional path of asking someone in your own school/zip code to prom and reaching for the stars.

Nonetheless, Twitter, in conjunction with other social media sites, has made the impossible seem feasible to high school seniors everywhere.

Because, really, what else do these people we call celebrities have to do with their time?

Of course, posting your celebrity prom invite on the web is only the first step towards your self-made celebrity dream date.

Next step? Waiting and hoping that your post is deemed worthy of those coveted “views.”  Although you know only one view actually counts, and it’s that of @fillincelebritynamehere. From there on out, you better just hope you have a compelling reason for asking your celebrity out (I was bored and nobody asked me don’t count).

Although unless you survived/are fighting a terminal illness and/or enlisted in the armed forces on your 18th birthday…good luck.


“Prom-Goers Tweet for the Stars, Asking Celebrities for a Date”: USA TODAY

…bi-daily smile…