Hello all! You may have noticed the pretty new blog buttons on the right side of this page…don’t worry, I’ll wait for you to go take a look before I keep going….Aren’t they pretty? Well they belong to three of my blogger friends Rocket, Carisa, and Naomi. We’re all taking part in a button swap for the month of April. If you click their buttons it will lead you to their blogs-so click the buttons and go check them out because they’re awesome! They’re each so different and cover a myriad of crazy subjects from music to fashion, to DIY and everything in between! Seriously, take a moment, click the buttons, and check their blogs out…I’ll wait…
….see! Aren’t you glad you did that? Now you’ve discovered three new blogs! You’re welcome. You may have noticed my button on their pages (or you may not have, I’m jumping the gun a bit and the switch doesn’t officially start until tomorrow but I couldn’t wait!), that my friends is the swap in the “button swap”. I rock their button and they rock mine. Yeehaw.
If you didn’t do as I commanded, and you didn’t click the pretty buttons to check out their blogs (and shame on you if you didn’t) I’ll help you out. Below is a photo of each blogger, and a little blurb (in their words) about what they’re doing over on their site! So at the very least read the blurbs! AND THEN CLICK THE BUTTONS!
“A weirdo’s blog about infinite random irrelevance and rainbow burritos. “
You can also find Rocket at:
Tumblr: rocketsound.tumblr.com
Twitter: @therktscientist