…Buy In

Posted on the 13 September 2017 by Zer @the2women

Happy Apple Event Day! Today the world was introduced to the next round of “must have” Apple products.

In case you were trapped under something heavy or haven’t joined the Apple religion, here’s a brief run through. Today’s Apple Event saw a new Apple Watch, a new Apple TV, an iPhone 8 (and 8 Plus), and, the long rumored iPhone X. 

Along with the shiny exteriors came bigger screens, “new” features, a few features that beg the question “why?”, and prices to match all the hype. But on the bright side, you can now use your face to unlock your phone and animate the poop emoji. Seems like a fair trade-off. All in all, it was a fairly predictable, but satisfying two-hour Apple celebration.

Of course, as any Apple devotee knows, now comes the hard part. Do you spring for the new iPhone 8 at the end of September, or hold out and sell you kidney’s for the iPhone X this November. It’s not an easy decision, and you also have to weigh in the fact that the iPhone X Plus Infinity (dibs on that name) is coming out too. When? At some point in the future…so maybe hang on to that other kidney for now.

Yes, you could not purchase the latest and greatest Apple product every time a new one came out, but what would that make you? Wealthier? Probably. More connected to reality? Possibly. Less of a slave to corporate America? Definitely? But at what cost?

More on the Story: TechCrunch

…just for fun:
