Buy Three Tyrants and Get the Disappointment for Free!

Posted on the 31 July 2012 by Bvulcanius @BVulcanius

About a week ago I thought I died and went to hell. I was just packing up my groceries when a group of three guys that couldn’t have been more than 20 years old walked up to the customer service desk and started aggressively shouting obscenities to the poor woman standing behind it. I was stuck looking at the scene thinking whether I would just leave my groceries behind to walk up to the tyrannical trio and ask them who’d raised them. Since there were three of them and only one of (little ole) me and I didn’t dare leave my groceries behind unattended, I desperately looked around for other bystanders while the woman at customer services called her supervisor.

My breathing hitched as I spotted a gargantuan guy – with a beard, mind you! – standing a couple of metres away from me. I tried to catch his eye so I could look at him imploringly, but to no avail. He was, like me, standing by doing nothing! I mentally willed him to do something – anything – to divert some of the heat the woman behind the customer service desk was still getting from the devil spawn. But no, nada.

Then the supervisor came and did what I had telepathically begged the bearded giant to do: she took the heat. It went from bad to worse however and this lady was being called everything beautiful and ugly under the horizon. To my utter amazement, she stayed relatively calm through it all and even managed to get the terrible three out of the supermarket, but not without being told that she should hit the gym more often…

After everything had settled down, I watched as the supermarket’s security guy came strolling onto the scene. I could almost hear him singing “hi ho hi ho, it pays to be so slow”. Shaking my head, I turned to my groceries and started finishing the packing process, albeit a little bit more disappointed in my fellow citizens.