It's official. I'm in holiday mode! Music, movies, candles and all. I can't stop myself. Decorating the apartment was super easy this year. Editing the leftover decorations from The Champagne Social by simply removing the pink, I have turned a corner of our living room into a mini winter wonderland.
Someone on Twitter recently wrote that "December feels like one big Friday" which really is so spot on. So far the month has been filled with catching up with friends before they head home for the holidays, family, and pushing things off until 2014. The proof that we have somewhat checked out for the year is in the empty bottles of champagne lined up by our front door as we have been entertaining regularly. This is the time to reflect on a well-lived and productive year, indulge a little, and enjoy. We deserve it, right?
It's also that time of the year when my mother is in Paris once a week for work. Making her first trip a few days ago, she came armed with American Christmas candy for my little guys, California wine for Aurélien (and by default for me too), and holiday-scented (and some oddly-named) Yankee candles for me. Who would have thought that "whiskers on kittens" would smell like vanilla musk? I must have been getting defective cats all of these years.
I wish you all a happy start to the holiday season!