The schools have started today. That marks, for me - symbolic - the end of the summer holidays. Yet, this year, I am lucky that my summer vacation continues still for this week ....But the feeling of the ending summer, is hovering over me like a dark cloud.
Well, as it happens, my friend is also on vacation this week, so we decided to go for a walk around the nearby lake. Walking is good, as well as talking with a friend ... so towards the end of our walk, the blue feeling of saying goodbye to the summer, was not feeling that heavy.
Our local, cozy café has opened again (after the summer holidays :) so on our way home, we dropped in for a cup of coffee. And from there on, my day has been unfolding somewhat naturally ... The daily routines of everyday life do make a frame, even to a blue Monday, that is safe, predictable, and uplifting.
Dr. Leo Buscaglia... May there be silver linings for your blue and rainy days as well,Nina