Call Me Good Luck Chuck

Posted on the 23 May 2014 by Littleredbek

If you haven’t seen the movie, ‘Good Luck Chuck’ starring Jessica Alba and Dane Cook, you’re not missing out on much.. the premise for the movie is that Dane Cook’s character, Chuck, discovers that anyone he sleeps with, finds their true love soon after.   Leaving him feeling empty and although sexually satisfied, unsatisfied in his heart.

This is how I feel right now.  

I have a super duper habit of dating guys who I think are pretty wonderful, and for some reason or another things don’t work out … and only a few months later, they are madly in love with someone else who, for reasons I cannot fathom, are in someway .. possessing of something that I do not have.. 

While i’m happy for them and somehow remain hopeful maybe one day I’ll find this happiness, I also am a bit fricken pissed off that they could not have found it in their hearts to make ME that person that made them happy… how dare they?!?!

I’m always going on about making yourself the best person you can be and love yourself… but the truth is, sometimes I would like someone to just fucking love me… like, honestly just give me a hug and kiss me and tell me i’m the prettiest fucking girl on the planet and that everyone else is stupid and dumb and I’m super duper awesome and most importantly, that they LOVE ME!

I know those words are hard to get out of a guys mouth, but honestly it does peeve me a bit that a few months after unsuccessfuly dating me, they find someone and are fucking making lovey dovey facebook posts and always telling everyone that they are in love. 

You know what makes it worst is the fact that I have never dated someone who has broken up with me by telling me I’m a bad person.  It’s always, you’re so smart, you’re so pretty, you’re so funny, I laugh so much with you rah rah fucking rah – then ‘but… it’s just.. I don’t think it’s right’ basically – it’s not you, it’s me… 

Here’s a wakeup call, BUDDY.  You can’t sit there and tell someone how amazing they are and why you SHOULD be falling in love with them, but then not give them a valid reason for why you can’t…. I’m a perfectionist.. I need to know what the fuck is going on so I can fix it… 

Please know I’m being partially sarcastic – I am a massive believer in trusting your instinct and I’d much rather be broken up with now, than down the track when I’m expecting a proposal.  But it doesn’t make it hurt any less.  

Enough with all this doom and gloom and woe is me. 

As much as I honestly thought this … as of .. an hour ago ex, was the ‘one’… obviously I was horribly mistaken.  Therefore, I need to look on the bright side of life.  Here are some KEY points I must consider …

1) i can be as black as I want and rap to Yeezy in my car and not have anyone judge me or tell me I’m not black.. 

2) I now have one less engagement party, two less weddings to attend this year… thank god.. being pretty and watching other people spew love on each other is time consuming and costly

3) I don’t have to have 10 pound babies… his mothers vagina like split and shit, and I am NOT having that happen to me… 

4) I get to be that ‘single’ girl at everyones weddings and parties and meet plenty of nice young men

5) …. At least I know he did the right thing by himself… 

Yeah… this sucks.. and you know… I’m grateful… I am .. 

but I’m not going to lie…

I’m heart broken 

and I just thought for once this would work.. 

I give it a couple of months before he finds someone amazing and who sweeps him off his feet. 

You know, that’s going to suck… but … at least he will be happy… and he’ll have that confidence to know that he really was an incredible person.. that he made the right decision and that it is possible to fall in love… and have that spark with someone.. 

even if it wasn’t with me…