As a result, I ended up starting a day late, but fortunately, I still managed to catch up to the recommended word count, and my current total is:
Nevertheless, after typing up my notes for the second time, I appear to be back on track, and I'm back to using Microsoft Word to type up my story, in the hope that the internet playing up won't effect it!
The Story
The story that I'm working on is actually one that I started writing about five or six years ago. At the time, I'd stopped working on because an American television series came out that was incredibly similar to it (not entirely, as it panned out, the series was virtually nothing like my story overall), and I also got to a point where I felt that the story had gotten a bit too "big" for me. By that, I don't mean I didn't feel like I could write it, I just felt that I had over-complicated things, and I wanted to tone it down a little and rope it in because over-complicated isn't just difficult to write, it's also difficult to read. I obviously didn't want that.Stepping back into this story has come amazingly easily, and I feel happier with how things are flowing with it. Yet again, I've reverted to third person, but whilst with my previous Camp NaNoWriMo attempt I had struggled to keep it in third person, this one has come a lot more naturally, and I feel comfortable with it.
So far, I am loving work on this novel, so fingers crossed that feeling sticks around!