Can Meritocracy Survive in the Face of Corporate Seniority?

Posted on the 22 December 2015 by Brendan Dabhi @BrendanDabhi
There is usually a lot of chatter at different workplaces about quality of work, standards of employees, dishing out of credit and progress of the deserving and the unworthy alike.
Now, it may occasionally happen that a young employee with formidable talent and skill and may come along, one whose talent may overshadow even those with many years of experience under their belts. These suave and confident beings may or may not realize their potential but in a highly competitive workplace, contemporaries, if not superiors, are sure to take notice sooner rather than later.With enough time spent and hard work put in, these young ones may tend to catch the eye of the boss if they’re looking enough attention. Well, that is a prerequisite for bosses nowadays when even CEO's are out hunting for jobs. The constant need to improve on the workplace and generate better profits for the company keeps even the laziest of bosses on the lookout for those who have the ability to grasp things and climb the proverbial ladder.This is where the problem occurs.

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Should the boss promote the underling and bypass the senior?OROr should the boss risk wasting potential to preserve peace in the workplace?
Not all bosses have the kind of rapport with employees so as to understand the dynamics and offices politics playing out under their own noses. In their rise, they leave behind common ploys and play the same game at a higher level.But only those working together actually realize how team dynamics work under the complex hierarchy that modern industry is based on. They know who works well with whom, who works better than whom, who cannot work with whom and who cannot be trusted to work at all. And they often know all this more than the bosses themselves who have glass cabins shielding them from the best and worst their employees have to offer.So, does meritocracy really survive if the hierarchy is put in danger?Does the workplace dynamic take a hit in light of a jump in promotion?Does merit even stand a chance in the face of superiors taking credit for everything?Or is the cumbersome method of seniority the only way to ensure smooth functioning?
Food for thought, dear leaders…