Day 2 - Paddle Garlochy to Loch Oich (13.9 miles).
Day 3 - Paddle Loch Oich to Foyers (along Loch Ness) (16.7 miles).
Day 4 - Paddle Foyers to Drochgarroch (along Loch Ness) (14.8 miles)
Day 5 - Paddle Drochgarroch to finish at Inverness (5.4 miles)
We had no idea how fast we could go, so went out on The Bridgewater Canal and timed ourselves. In two hours we managed to go 4 miles, which included a half hour stop at the pub!
The sun was shining, and apart from an initial false start, where we got in the canoe and then realised that we'd not put enough air in it - and were sinking. Apart from that it was a really good paddle. The weather was beautiful, and there were lots of people walking or cycling along the canal banks. I think Tris was the envy of every man - not just because he had me in the canoe with him, but that he had a canoe at all. It is the ultimate boys toy!

Particularly now that the clocks have changed, it's really starting to feel like the land is waking up. There were daffodils everywhere and orgies of mating frogs!
So I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about it all. I don't feel stiff this morning and with the longer evenings we should be able to get out a bit more frequently. Plus - we'll be taking the canoe down to London next weekend to try it on the Thames. We're staying with Tris' parents in SW London - he's got a place to run in The Olympic Park Run, which finishes in the Olympic Stadium. It's the first race to take place in the new stadium and the first time it will be open to the public. I get to go as a spectator, which is really exciting! I'll make sure I get lots of good photos.
Anyway, back to our canoeing yesterday (camera stored safely down cleavage!).......