Car Trouble

Posted on the 25 July 2012 by Expatmum @tonihargis
So really, where was I? Well, apart from catching the cold that both sons obtained independently (one was away at camp when he got his), I'm having a bit of car trouble.
Well, lack-of-car trouble really. I sold my car last week and can't be bothered to go out and get another one. Well, we're in the middle of the summer break, we live in a city which is very easy to get around in without having to own a car and well, I just can't be bothered. (The Ball & Chain has a car so if there's an emergency, and he hasn't gone to the airport and parked it in the long stay parking lot/car park) we're OK.)
It's a great excuse not to have to go to the plant shop and replace the sad wilty things that currently adorn my front door; the teens have suddenly started walking everywhere or taking the bus, which means I don't have to run out and check for dents and scratches when they come in (don't ask); I mean what's not to like?
Not being a "car person" doesn't really help. I am half inclined to let the B&C and the Little Guy go and find a car for me; they already know my two preferred models and my price range (ie. not new). However, since, as the B&C so rightly pointed out, the Little Guy hasn't yet got his driving license, it would be a bit hard to buy anything and then get two cars back home. Major flaw in that plan, it seems.
Perhaps when this cold has decided to bugger off I might have a little more car-buzz in me? I will report back.