Cara Box Reveal

Posted on the 07 May 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
  So had this blog written once but it somehow got deleted, so I doubt this one will be as amazing because I had spent an hour writing it. Not an whole dedicated hour because we were watching the amazing race!  I signed up last month for the Cara Box with Kaitlyn at Wifessionals. I absolutely LOVE her blog, and so glad that she set this up because I have met some amazing bloggers. What I love is that you get to meet 2 bloggers: one you are sending to and the other is who is sending to you.  This month was all about Earth Day and being green! I so struggled with this, but I'm extremely fortunate that Chelsea loves the color the GREEN. Yippee!!  I got partnered in Chelsea at My Own Little World. She is a great blogger and we share a love/hate relationship with running. I got a package from Rachel at With Love, Rachel. I could Rachel and I being BFF's because we share the same passion that wine solves everything!

My letter of Encouragement! Super cute!
Extremely blurring but everything I got

Every girl likes Chocolate, right? Yeah, I'm wanna those girls. I just don't like chocolate. The hubs loved it so much he could hardly wait to take off the wrapper.   I'm so excited to try this tea. I'll tell y'all all about it.

The funny this about this was that I was about to grab some the other day at the store.
I'm excited to see if this actually grows. I hope that I don't kill it.  My fear is the dog is going to get it.
Wine. I love wine!! It's actually really good wine.
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