Cat Scratch Fever, #612

Posted on the 02 March 2013 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

I have 4 cats and a dog.  I know that might sound crazy to some of you, but when my husband and I were getting married, he had two kitties, and so did I.  So, we combined families  and live in a dander-filled household that our highly allergic friends curse us for.  The dog came later.  Truly, our furry friends rarely seem overwhelming.  Mostly, they just add cuddles and warmth to our home, and we love them unconditionally.

Lately, however, one of the kitties, our scaredy cat, does not seem to like using the litter box.  She seems to be preferring the floor in front of the litter box or any bath mat she can find, too.  Here is the culprit.  Doesn’t she look just so angelic?

Don’t let her good looks fool you.  Doughnut is a hiss-throwing, cat tree-hogging, nose-in-the-air snobby little princess.  She favors my husband and hardly gives me and the kids the time of day.  Here’s the absolutely nutty part though….I love her to pieces.  She’s my snobby little princess.  My husband thinks old age is making her senile from the way she’s acting.  Is that actually possible? She’s actually being kind to the dog and other cats lately, which seems completely unwarranted from her usually crabby behavior.  She’s even been coming down from her cat tree to explore around the house….how weird is that???!!!??  Maybe it does not sound so weird to all of you, but I know her as being completely unsocial.

It is hard to watch pets get older.  Doughnut is about 12-years-old, and other than showing uncharacteristic kind behavior and going #2 in front of the litter box, she’s as active as ever.  She is part of our family, and we’d do anything for her.

My song of the day is Ted Nugent’s “Cat Scratch Fever,” as Nugent and Doughnut are both crazy….but somehow irresistible.  Click HERE to go to Youtube to listen to his classic rockin’ hit, and please take today to give your own furry friends an extra snuggle.  They make the world all the better.