It wasn't until a year or so of just being extremely overwhelmed that I realized life really doesn't ever give you a break. You just learn to prioritize and cope with things better. Things that bothered me 5 years ago would never bother me now. For example.. oil changes. They used to cause me so much stress. All week long I'd think about how I'd make it from school to get an oil change and be back to work in time, how long would the wait be, should I bring homework with me, can I only do this on Saturdays, and so on and so forth. Once you get in the swing things that were a big deal then are not now. An oil change is just a part of life. Things that bothered me a year ago don't anymore, because I learned to cope and prioritize. Things we wish would go away won't. Like hospital bills for a stupid brace that cost $298.
Jared and I were talking about this the other day. I think while I was watching Teen Mom and one girl was complaining that life was too jam packed and she couldn't catch a break. Well my breaks are not months, weeks or even days at a time. My breaks are when I take a hot shower and can tune everything out for 30 minutes or when I take a lunch break and sit in my car with the sun warming me up and listening to Howard Stern.
Jared once told me if you have one day where nothing goes wrong and you're not stressed celebrate because that's a perfect day and I totally believe that.
What do you think? Have you ever thought you couldn't catch a break?